affichage différent dans FireFox

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Messages : 1
Inscription : 09 sept. 2017, 17:50

affichage différent dans FireFox

Message par tranthe »

Where the ground is constantly moving with critters squawking that appear to obtain like youthful children getting slapped more faux-hawks than you'll ever witness elsewhere dudes wearing Capri's neon color clothing is still in (any clothing is still in) concrete skateparks throughout razors commonplace police who're polite, even if you're getting

Additionally to, skateboarding! The therapy lamp is a great time, certainly. Globe connected another banger within the trip for each couple of days: Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne, the Slaughter within the Opera Contest for giant. Reaches the charts--it's along approach to Australia if you want to stone.

The amount of occasions to Australia?

That was my fourth time the region is great. To produce to skate nonetheless the weather is hot. concerning, while it's winter inside.

What's your easiest factor concerning the country?

It's a real easy place to bypass. The cops are friendly, unlike the you are able to drink beer nearly anyplace, and there is furthermore plenty of skateparks that are free!

Who'd formerly been the skateboarders you're selecting?

For every week transporting out a hostile sport. David Gonzales was suppose to acquire there, but he hurt his knee within the contest so he visited the Gold Coast to obtain examined.

What about filmers or team managers? Did any arrive inside the trip?

Phelps, Lee Take full advantage of, Tanya, P-Stone, Weiss and Anthony Mapstone for that first half and Andrew Mapstone, Ewan Bowman and Mark for your kids. Acquiring a crew such as this who got arrested?

Surprisingly, nobody! Not necessarily Ewan. P-Stone was there? They have to become together with when using the high beer prices.

I am unsure how he's transporting it--all night and day. He's an individual beer vacuum.

And Phelps and Lee Take full advantage of?

Skateboarding historians. The questions and solutions that leave their mouths are awesome. They may need their particular reality show. It lasts from 6 am 'til 4 am, when asleep extended.

Got useful gemstones of Lee? Was he skating?

I guess he kind of jacked his knee a few a couple of days ago, but he was skating the small tight transitions that people discovered. Sweepers, laybacks, and frontside grinds. Almost proven up at find out about backside boneless. He was always without footwear, except since they proven.

It might have been sick to uncover him 100-percent and skating a couple of within the bigger stuff inside the parks with Mumford and Duncombe. He's certainly grounds in any situation!

He even gave Halsam this robe, and in addition it fit Chris well. He was searching like Jesus! He'd just walk within the roads using this and filmed some lines wearing it. Everybody was tripping on him, thinking he'll certainly be a destitute skateboarder too.

What about Phelper?

Phelper, the hype man? Killing it. Skating and achieving the crew amped, 4g iphone to wind lower, to start with. Non-stop comedy.

That was a sizable crew moving when using the Globe team right?

Yeah, however it might be an enjoyable experience. Like when Machnau was trying to frontside boardslide this double kinker rail.

We'd a posse, and Lee was trying to speak with Paul and obtain him psyched. Lee kind of does that, almost spiritually. Machnau got pitched inside the rail and travelled back-first into this cement wall. Many of us thought he was hospital bound, but she got support and battled the rail again and won. So gnarly he's a terminator, certainly. Others might have been while using the next slam.

Did everybody encounter almost every other teams available?

Yeah, the woman team reaches Canberra remaining at our hotel. Always fun to carry together. Biebel, Koston, McCrank, Olson, Mike Mo, Anderson, Malto--stacked crew. We barged their shop signing at Shifty's in Canberra. We heard free pizza and beer, i had been there. Stored it searching when asleep within the bars, and saw these skating every single day. What skateparks did you need to?

Lots of to discover result-oriented, many older. Frankston, Errindale, Bondi, Charnwood, Belconnen, I am unable to bear in mind these.

What about Duncombe, was that dude killing it?

Incidentally. He proven up a few days late. Not a problem, proven up hot inside the plane inside the bender and Belco bowl. Frontside nosegrind inside the funnel. What? Then he needed it evening for your casino and appears every single day with $1,000. Similar to that. He's began out of this.

Possibly you've frequently seen any kangaroos available, Mate?

Only one group, like, 40 of people, wearing mind bands in Canberra. Another van was searching constantly and missed them. Really, we'd some dead ones besides the road. Like deer within the

What about meat pies? Possibly you've eat them everyday?

They're like burritos in Hillcrest--they are available anywhere. Balance of vending machines within the service station.

How about your competition within the Opera House?

Crazy place ... The Opera House. Skateboarding allowed there? Yeah, Globe pulled it. It cost some serious money to get the permits. It rained yesterday, and in addition they stated it'd rain every single day inside the contest. Absolutely no way--not just a cloud coming. The rail looked big I saw some heads roll-up who'd formerly been like, "Exactly what the? Some skated, some didn't. But everything went easily. Methods were going lower there's about 10,000 spectators there.

What happening in Sydney?

Lots of partying. There's some flamboyant week-extended parade happening that was sketchy. Mumford involved it, though. The Australian Slam magazine might be a Skater of the season party. I guess Lewis Marnell won it this year. I heard Phelps automobile on stage may be the MC and furthermore it had been ready to announce it, but someone within the mag grabbed the mic from him. They need to have permit him to cope with it. Check out his resume, right?

Did the Shred for Geebet Jam happen again this year?

Yeah. It stopped. Likely to item-new portrait of Geebet inside the bowl at Fitzroy in Sydney lot of skaters proven up. Sausages were inside the grill and lots of beer. AC/Electricity was blasting the whole night together with session was heated. They'd lights, therefore the jam went distance for the evening.

Who'd formerly been a couple of within the crew that proven up?

Neck Face, and a lot of other Aussies--lots of to condition. It absolutely was an excellent emerge, plenty of positive Geebet energy was throughout, and you will tell when using the shredding happening inside the bowl. ... e9e0d0f6e5

Personally they'll continue every year. Any last words?

Yeah: Due to Globe and Thrasher and skateboarders who'd formerly been involved.
Dernière modification par tranthe le 22 sept. 2017, 10:27, modifié 1 fois.
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Inscription : 10 mars 2006, 17:25

Re: affichage différent dans FireFox

Message par Bob49 »


Avec la bonne adresse, on pourrait vérifier quelque chose ! :wink: Et mets nous une capture de ce que l'on devrait voir (tout le monde n'a pas IE sur son pc)...
Sauvegardez le profil de votre Firefox , avant d'y faire des modifications(install, etc..) ;-)
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